Unveiling Basel 3.1 Navigating the reforms in the UK

November 30th , 2023 11:00 am EST|9:00 am PST|12:00 am HKT|4:00 pm GMT

Duration: 30 Minutes

Join us for an exclusive webinar as we delve into the intricacies of Basel 3.1 and explore how these reforms will impact financial institutions in the UK.

Since the global financial crisis of 2008, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has been working to enhance banks' resilience and reduce the severity of future financial crises. Basel III was introduced as a series of reforms to address flaws in risk-weighted asset calculations and capital ratios. Now, with the impending implementation of Basel 3.1, it is crucial for banks to familiarize themselves with the proposed updates and strategize for a successful transition.

In this webinar, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the upcoming updates to Basel standards, including deviations and implications, data collection requirements, trading book treatment, streamlining operational risk, adapting to market risk, credit risk reforms, strengthening the foundation with the output floor, and exploring the path ahead with a strong and simple regime.

Our team of experts will guide you through the key updates, highlighting the UK Basel 3.1 requirements. We will discuss the impact of these changes on financial institutions and provide practical strategies for navigating the complexities associated with Basel 3.1 implementation.


  • Deviations and implications of Basel 3.1 reforms
  • Data collection requirements and challenges
  • Trading book treatment and operational considerations
  • Streamlining risk practices

Here's a full copy of the recording:

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