PRA Strong & Simple Regime: Transforming Regulatory Reporting for Smaller Firms

Thu, Sep 26, 2024, 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM BST

This webinar, hosted by David Hulmes and Charlie Quarterman from Suade, with guest speaker Dan Jones (Finance Director, Mansfield Building Society), explored the evolving world of prudential regulatory reporting in the UK, focusing on the transition to the Strong and Simple (S&S) framework and its implications for smaller financial institutions.

Key takeaways included:

  • The S&S/SDDT journey: While simplified, still presents complexities for firms.
  • Data-centric approach: A crucial strategy for successful regulatory reporting, emphasizing automation and a common data standard.
  • Automation advantages: Enhances data quality, control, and efficiency, freeing resources for strategic analysis.
  • Regulatory engagement: The PRA is supportive, but firms need to take ownership of their technology adoption.
  • Suade Reporting Platform: Demonstrated key features for in-depth data analysis, transparency, and decision-making support.

Overall, the webinar emphasised the need for firms to be proactive, adopt a data-driven approach, and leverage technology to navigate the complexities of S&S/SDDT reporting.

  • A look into the impact of recent PRA announcements and Basel 3.1 reforms and CP7/24 – The Strong and Simple Framework: The simplified capital regime for Small Domestic Deposit Takers
  • Demonstrate how Suade's technology empowers smaller firms to meet these challenges head-on.
  • Hear directly from our clients about their pain points, challenges, and how Suade has transformed their regulatory reporting processes.
  • Provide a platform for you to ask questions and gain valuable insights.