Webinar: CRR2 - Getting to grips with the EU's Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR2)

8th July 2021: The Capital Requirements Regulation 2 (CRR2) represents an important milestone in the implementation of Basel III across the EU and is likely to have a significant impact on financial institutions.

There are many developments to come out of CRR 2, including the leverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio, which many institutions are already in full compliance, However, three of the more significant, challenging regulatory developments are the SA-CCR, the large exposure standards, and the new market risk standards.

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During this webinar with PwC, we explore the challenges of CRR2 to uncover the problematic areas and solutions to the development and implementation of these new regulations.


Moderated by: Jack Sharpe, Business Development, Suade Labs

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