London RegTech Forum 2022 - Guildhall
On 29th November 2022 we were delighted to launch our inaugural RegTech Forum, supported by the City of London.
As the industry enters a new era, financial institutions are having to grapple with an increasing number of challenges and opportunities to better manage risk and adapt quickly to regulatory change.
The conference brought together the industry’s key influencers in financial regulation, including financial services executives, regulators, and government, to explore the challenges around meeting new and evolving regulatory requirements while enabling innovation and growth.
- Disruptive transformation - adopting modern technologies to prepare for the future
- Enabling a successful UK RegTech ecosystem - lessons learned from "RegTech ecosystem" survey from the City of London, Innovate Finance and Grant Thornton
- Progress on data harmonisation - is it just a pipe dream?
- Techproofing your regulatory reporting - the future of reporting, proportionality and creating a level playing field, divergence
- Staying compliant in an ever changing regulatory environment - the reliability and integrity of regulatory reporting; s-166 - what could possibly go wrong
View the 2022 agenda here
If you are interested in the 2023 RegTech Forum, contact us.