Case study: G-SIB partners with Suade to streamline complex entity and workflow management

The challenge

The client, a large global systemically important bank (G-SIB), faced significant regulatory reporting obligations across multiple jurisdictions and entities within the UK and EMEA. Their legacy solutions required deploying different systems and environments for each reporting obligation, leading to operational hazards, increased costs, and issues with data duplication and reconciliation.

The solution

Early days: Entity segregation 

Recognising the critical need for entity segregation early on, Suade implemented this capability as a foundational feature. It allowed multiple entities to be set up and configured in a single instance, segregating users, roles, and other configuration settings for submission files, validations, regulator connectivity, and single sign-on. This early innovation demonstrated Suade’s commitment to addressing complex regulatory needs from the outset.

Recent innovations: Visibility and sharing settings 

In response to recent client requests for enhanced visibility and sharing settings, Suade demonstrated its unwavering commitment to innovation. North American firms sought solutions that legacy vendors had deemed too complex. Suade responded by developing the “Teams” feature set, allowing comprehensive management of team hierarchies within entities via SSO (Active Directory), configuring granular report-type specific permissions, and managing intra-team visibility to control data and report sharing. Impressively, this feature was delivered in less than six months, a stark contrast to the years it would take other vendors.

The outcome

The rapid development and deployment of these features allowed clients to consolidate systems, reduce costs, and tailor their entities and workflows to specific operational needs. These functionalities were delivered at no extra cost beyond the annual subscription and were seamlessly integrated via Suade’s standard 15-minute upgrade process.


Suade’s customer-led product development approach not only addressed the initial challenges faced by the G-SIB client but also demonstrated the company’s ability to continually innovate and meet complex regulatory requirements swiftly. The company’s ability to deliver comprehensive solutions in less than six months highlights its commitment to adding value, reducing errors, and saving money for its clients, setting it apart from other vendors.

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