Competition law / antitrust policy for Suade RegTech Events
This anti-competition law / antitrust policy (the “Policy”) is intended to ensure that all participants at Suade regulation technology events (“Suade RegTech Events”), including conferences, seminars, workshops, and networking events, engage in fair and competitive practices. It is designed to promote innovation, customer choice, and market efficiency while preventing anti-competitive behaviour that could harm the industry and everyone that relies on regulation technology.
This Policy applies to all individuals and organisations participating in Suade RegTech Events, including but not limited to:
- Attendees
- Speakers
- Sponsors
- Exhibitors
- Organisers
Prohibited Conduct
The following conduct is strictly prohibited at Suade RegTech Events:
- Price Fixing: Any agreement or discussion among competitors to fix, raise, or stabilise prices.
- Market Sector Allocation: Any agreement or discussion among competitors to divide market sectors, customers, or territories.
- Bid Rigging: Any agreement or discussion among competitors to manipulate the bidding process for contracts or projects.
- Boycotts: Any agreement or discussion among competitors to refuse to deal with a particular supplier, customer, or competitor.
- Information Exchange: Any exchange of potentially competitively sensitive information between competitors, such as pricing, costs, or marketing plans, that could facilitate anti-competitive behaviour.
All participants in Suade RegTech industry events are expected to comply with this Policy and all applicable laws on competition law and antitrust laws. Any suspected violations of this Policy or applicable competition laws or antitrust should be reported to Suade immediately by sending an email to [email protected] or speaking to a representative of Suade.
Suade reserves the right to take appropriate action against any participant who violates this Policy, including but not limited to:
- Warning the participant
- Expelling the participant from the event
- Prohibiting the participant from attending future events
- Reporting the violation to the relevant competition and/or antitrust authorities.
This Policy is intended to provide general guidance on antitrust compliance at Suade RegTech Events. It is not a substitute for legal advice, and participants should take their own legal advice if they have any questions about competition law and/or antitrust compliance.
By participating in a Suade RegTech Event, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Policy and agree to comply with its terms.