Intersekt Festival: FinTech Industry Conference
Suade CEO, Diana Paredes, was invited to speak at the Intersekt Conference in Australia!

The Annual FinTech Industry Conference is the largest gathering of Australian FinTech startups, scale ups, hubs, accelerators, policymakers, regulators, investors and advisors, devoted to examining, discussing and unlocking the potential of the Australia's FinTech market. This one of the kind event is backed by Government and the peak industry association.
The Annual FinTech Industry Conference will explore what is unique about the Australian FinTech ecosystem, where we lead the world, and what the opportunity is for Australian FinTechs to take their rightful place in a global market.
Diana spoke about the global opportunity for RegTech, as well as sat on a panel on the importance of RegTech in the new reality of banking

To read more about the intersekt festival, go here.