Massimo Casa
Massimo Casa is Senior Adviser in the Statistical Data Collection and Processing Directorate in Banca d'Italia, Italy's Central Bank, with a long experience in data management and statistical production. He is currently dealing with national and international initiatives aimed at harmonizing and standardizing statistical, prudential and resolution reporting. He has a deep knowledge on banks’ internal processes supporting their compliance with the relevant reporting obligations. With this regard, he is chairing the Steering Committee of the PUMA, that is a voluntary cooperation initiative of the banking and financial system, promoted and coordinated by Banca d’Italia. The objective of the initiative is the creation and maintenance of a reference documentation for the production of regulatory reports by intermediaries. He is also (co-) chairing the Steering Group of the BIRD (Banks' Integrated Reporting Dictionary), an European initiative very similar to PUMA, whose participants are a number of commercial banks, the European Central Bank (ECB) and National Central Banks.