Webinar: Fretting about FRTB
2022-06-09 Continue reading…
2022-06-09 Continue reading…
Suade has appointed two industry leaders – Harry Chopra as Chief Client Officer (CCO) and Fred Continue reading…
2022-05-17 Continue reading…
On the surface, both activities may seem simple and straightforward: envision what you want, outline Continue reading…
2022-05-25 Continue reading…
PRESS RELEASE: London, New York, 20 April 2022 - The World Economic Forum’s Global Continue reading…
RegTech-Führungskräfte wurden kürzlich zu einem von EACB, EAPB, EBF und ESBG veranstalteten Panel eingeladen und Continue reading…
Suade enables financial firms to achieve efficiency ratio objectives and gain greater business insights while insulating processes from regulatory change. Continue reading…
Murat Abur, Suade CTO, explores the increasing cost and complexities of regulation and the role of open-source data standards in the financial industry. Continue reading…
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