Suade Publishes Whitepaper on Basel IV Implications and Global Perspectives
PRESS RELEASE: London, 04 February 2024 – We are pleased to announce the release of our latest whitepaper, "The Basel IV Implications and Global Perspectives: Enhancing Resilience, Navigating Challenges." As a leader in regulatory reporting technology, Suade is committed to providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape of financial regulation.
This comprehensive report features contributions from global regulatory experts, including Bill Coen (USA), former Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision; Martin Niesen (Germany), Partner and Global Basel IV leader at PwC; and Ruth Doubleday (UK), Head of Prudential Regulation at the Building Societies Association.
Our whitepaper delves into the diverse approaches taken by the United States, European Union, and United Kingdom in integrating Basel IV into their banking systems. The adoption of Basel IV varies across regions, each facing unique timelines and challenges shaped by the distinctive characteristics of their financial environments.
Basel IV represents a pivotal moment for regulatory advancements in the global financial sector, introducing significant changes to capital requirements for banks. These new regulations are designed to enhance banks' capital reserves to cover a range of risks, including credit, market, and operational risks, thereby reducing the likelihood of bank failures and mitigating their economic impact.
In this whitepaper, we offer practical insights and strategies for firms navigating the transition to these new regulations. We also address criticisms of Basel IV, such as concerns over increased lending costs and potential impacts on economic growth. Our aim is to provide a balanced perspective, advocating for regulatory frameworks that maintain stability while supporting a healthy financial system.
“Basel IV was designed to enhance the safety and soundness of individual banks, primarily by improving banks’ capital adequacy and restoring confidence in their regulatory reports. This, in turn, strengthens the overall stability of financial systems,” said Bill Coen, former Secretary General of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) and Chief Regulatory Advisor at Suade.
Our whitepaper also includes off-the-record interviews with industry practitioners, senior managers from the financial sector, public sector professionals, and other experts in the field, offering a well-rounded view of the subject. The whitepaper is now available for download [here].
For further information, please contact Corinne Jones at [email protected].
About Suade:
We are a global RegTech organisation dedicated to delivering innovative solutions for financial institutions. With a strong focus on regulatory reporting and compliance, we aim to transform how the financial industry understands and manages risk.
About Suade Whitepapers:
Our whitepapers explore key themes within the RegTech industry from a neutral, research-driven perspective, leveraging the collective expertise of our community. Our goal is to produce thoughtful, educational, and technical publications that drive further discussions through roundtables, webinars, and other events, all aimed at achieving a more stable and transparent financial system.