
Understanding user needs

In designing our solution to the GovTech challenge, we are keeping in mind the Government Design Principles and the Technology Code of Practice. We are aware that developing a successful solution requires properly understanding users and their needs. To achieve this, we have been gathering user requirements to verify our

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How can we bring legislation into a format suitable for machine learning?

Once we have derived the key components of a legislation and defined a list of attributes based on paragraph types, another key step is to create a common data format that will store components of a legislation in a structured manner, representing the entire text. This schema will store the

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How can we begin to analyse the stock of existing regulation?

To analyse existing legislative texts, we need to consider the composition of legislations and define the key components that should be extracted from them. Essentially, legislations are a compilation of rules, consisting of rights and obligations. However, to develop a solution that is meaningful for our end users, we need

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What do we mean by "better regulation"?

When we think about "better regulation", we ultimately think about smarter, better targeted regulations that benefit the overall society. We believe that innovative technological solutions can contribute to building a regulatory system that is simpler for businesses to navigate, but also maintains important protections for citizens and the

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The cost of regulation

People always expected large banks to complain when new regulations hit the wires because they had been at the centre of the "too big to fail" debate and the primary target for the regulator. Surprisingly though, it is the small banks that are in the news now. The

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