EU & UK Reg Round Up: 18/06/2024
European Banking Authority EBA issues Opinion on adjusting the risk weight for commercial immovable properties - 7 June 2024 The Norwegian Ministry of Finance notified the EBA about their intention to amend the risk weights for exposures secured by mortgages on commercial immovable property. The EBA acknowledges the concerns raised
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 27/05/2024
European Banking Authority EBA launch a consultation on its draft RTS regarding the equivalent mechanism for unfinished property - 13 May 2024 The consultation is regarding the draft RTS under the CRR3 regulation where they specify new conditions that a legal mechanism should meet to recognise a property under construction
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 09/05/2024
European Banking Authority EBA launch a public consultation on the specification of long and short positions - 24 April 2024 This public consultation will focus on identifying the main risk driver and determining whether a transaction represents a long or short position. This comes under the derogations for market and
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 24/04/2024
European Banking Authority DPM 2.0 standard in the works - 16 April 2024 The EBA, EIOPA, and ECB are all collaborating to create a data point model (DPM) alliance between the three regulatory bodies, and release DPM Standard 2.0. This is following last week’s update on how
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 04/04/2024
European Banking Authority EBA have released a revised list of ITS validation rules - 22 March 2024 The EBA have published a revised list of ITS validations on supervisory reporting, within the list of revised validations the EBA have deactivated some of them either because of incorrectness or for triggering
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 14/03/2024
European Banking Authority EBA have published a final draft technical standards on complaints handling  - 13 March 2024 The draft RTS sets out the requirements, templates, and procedures for handling complaints received by issuers of asset reference tokens (ARTs). This fulfils the mandate set by the EBA on regulating the
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 06/03/2024
European Banking Authority EBA are consulting on amendments to implement the Basel III reforms - 20 February 2024 The EBA have launched two public consultations on two draft ITS, one for amending Pillar 3 disclosures and supervisory reporting requirements for operational risk. The proposed amendments align with the new CRR3
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 17/02/2024
European Banking Authority The EBA have released taxonomy 3.4 to its reporting framework -06 February 2024 This package includes the validation rules, the Data Point Model (DPM), and the XBRL taxonomies to now support the amendments to the reporting requirements. This new reporting framework will be expected to apply
EU & UK Reg Round Up: 17/07/2023
European Banking Authority The EBA publishes the final amending ITS on supervisory disclosure under CRD 21 June 2023 The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final draft amending Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory disclosures, which specify the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the supervisory information
Reg Round Up: installment 4
European Banking Authority The EBA publishes the final amending ITS on supervisory disclosure under CRD 21 June 2023 The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final draft amending Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory disclosures, which specify the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the supervisory information