The Cloud, forming the Backbone of the Economy
COVID-19 has shown that the Cloud is the backbone of the economy. The Cloud offers a mechanism for sharing and operating data services online. Locally hosting files requires access to specific premises and systems. To run locally hosted services, companies have to install new systems on their premises. These have to be integrated with their existing infrastructures. Complications arise where systems are incompatible because of bespoke service solutions. Businesses need to set up entirely separate infrastructures for each service offering. They end up with complex layers of related service offerings. And yet, transferring a file from one service to another remains a challenge. Service providers and their clients with Cloud systems in place are leading the way to future-proofing their businesses.

The Cloud drives resilience. Staff can easily access materials from anywhere. There is no longer a need to be in the office. Advancements in cybersecurity guarantee that the Cloud access is secure. External Cloud providers like AWS and Azure have strict security policies in place. These include physical security policies that minimise access. Security protocols for online access guarantee high security for client data. Entrusting data security to a specialist Cloud provider increases the security of firm data. Firms run their services securely and focus on developing their service offerings. Those preferring locally hosted systems use the Cloud to back up their data. This provides an additional layer of security. During the current period of uncertainty, the Cloud provides much needed continuity.
The Cloud drives profitability. Infrastructure on the Cloud allows businesses to adapt their services to the market. Hard-copy files and locally hosted IT systems need to be managed all year round. On the Cloud, businesses have the flexibility to relocate data. Data for inactive services can be stored separately from active services and infrastructure processes switched off. As market demand for seasonal services falls, businesses are empowered to switch off relevant infrastructure. Once market demand picks up again, infrastructure processes are quickly restarted. The Cloud empowers businesses to focus on making profits by improving flexibility.
The Cloud speeds up the adoption and onboarding of new technologies allowing businesses to embrace the benefits of technology and focus more on their product offering. SaaS providers easily add new clients to their Cloud subscriptions. Locally hosted systems require the service provider or the client to install and configure software on client premises. This process is time consuming. On the Cloud, the SaaS provider contacts the hosting platform to expand their Cloud subscription to quickly onboard new clients. Each new client receives their own unique part of the Cloud with access to their service offering. That way, a small team with a minimal set of resources provides software solutions for large-scale business processes. SaaS providers save resources and clients gain access to new technology quickly and seamlessly. Despite office closures, businesses continue to grow remotely via the Cloud.
Suade is evidence of the success of a model based on Cloud computing. Our business has proven resilient during the uncertainty associated with COVID-19. We have added new clients and new service offerings for existing clients. Our revenue stream has grown without increases in marginal costs. Suadeβs use of Cloud services has reduced our operational risk. We have operated business-as-usual despite the unusual circumstances caused by COVID, while other businesses have struggled. As a business that operates on premise and Cloud, we have seen a big transition to Cloud computing. Thanks to the Cloud, the sky is the limit.
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