What is RegTech? The latest wave of startups hitting the fintech industry
WIRED Money 2017
Suade was one of the keynote speakers at Wired Money's 2017 event. We also featured in Wired's "What is RegTech? The latest wave of startups hitting the FinTech industry" article .

Watch Diana's talk here:
Diana discusses the role of RegTech since the global financial crisis of 2007/2008. Out of the significant regulatory change since the GFC came a need for technological solutions. Inspired by her role in the financial industry during the crisis, Diana founded Suade. She states that her role at Merrill Lynch had a:
“profound effect on my life and my belief system about the trading floor.”
Out of these experiences grew a determination to change the world through RegTech. Since being founded in 2014, Suade has developed an open-source data standard called FIRE that is sure to disrupt the financial services industry as regulators strive for a more transparent financial sector.
For the original article, click here.
To see more from Wired where Suade is featured, click here.