Diana Paredes - Eurofi Magazine April 2020
Please click here for the full article.
Why financial institutions need a master data strategy
Our CTO, Murat Abur, and Sarah Murphy, from our Legal Team, wrote a paper for the Journal of Financial Compliance last year. The paper focused on the implementation of data standards in the financial services industry and the increased efficacy of modern RegTech as a result. Check out the full
One Young World
Impact Report 2019 Suade Labs CEO, Diana Paredes, was delighted to be recognised as a One Young World ambassador in their 2019 Impact Report. "It is an honour to be welcomed into the One Young World community as an ambassador for technology given, I am an alumnus of the
Singapore FinTech Festival - Green Shoots Series
Has COVID-19 led to an increase in RegTech demand? In May, the SFF invited our CEO, Diana Paredes, to speak on their Green Shoots Series. The panel discussed how COVID-19 has catalysed the need for the digitisation of financial services - with regulation being no exception. Diana was joined by
Paris FinTech Forum
Regulation for the Future For Suade, the Paris FinTech Forum is always packed with interesting interviews and discussions, covering all the latest FinTech and RegTech news from around the world. This year our CEO, Diana Paredes, provided insight into what truly needed to change in European regulation to foster innovation
RegTech in the Plague Year
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation Our CEO, Diana Paredes, participated in a roundtable discussion for a 'tour d'horizon' of RegTech with the Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation Diana was joined by Emmanuel Schizas from Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance, and Stacey English,
UK FinTech Week 2020 - Innovate Finance
FinTech Without Borders: The Impact of International Turmoil on a Global Industry" Suade CEO, Diana Paredes, was invited back to speak at Innovate Finance's UK FinTech Week in April. In the webinar, she was be joined by CEO's from other top FinTech firms in Europe
Suade in line with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority's (SAMA) vision
SAMA's 2030 Vision Suade’s thought leadership and global outreach has assured us multiple invitations to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as speakers and we are looking forward to working more in the region. It is hugely encouraging to see that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s 2030
Spire Strategy
Suade Labs are thrilled to partner with Spire Strategy! For immediate release March 9th 2020 London based RegTech Innovator, Suade Labs has partnered with global strategy & technology advisory firm, Spire Strategy, in recognition of a shared mission to harness the power of digitisation in the world of financial regulation.
Suade's vision comes to light - Bank of England's discussion paper
'Transforming data collection from the UK financial sector' In January 2020, the Bank of England published a discussion paper to encourage potential solutions to make data collection significantly more efficient for firms while at the same time improving the BoE’s ability to use what they do collect